About Us

Specealized in the production of chemical specealities

Our Story

Founded in 1994 on the outskirts of Monterrey in García, Nuevo León, Corporación Sierra Madre began by manufacturing additives for polyolefin and PVC pipe production, initially focusing solely on the national market. Over time, we  expanded to export products across Central and South America, eventually reaching the United States.

Starting with the production of metallic stearates, blends, and lubricant packages, we progressed to become the first manufacturer of lithium stearate in Mexico and one of the pioneers globally.

Today, we are the leading  manufacturers of stearates, blends, and lubricant packages in Mexico. In the past three years, we achieved 100% growth and reached record-breaking months in both production and sales.

We are strategically located in the suburbs of Monterrey

Excellent connectivity

We are well connected to routes to the United States and international ports

International Presence

With a global perspective, CSM uses its. Strategic position to achieve international reach

Corporación Sierra Madre

Quality Policies

In Corporación Sierra Madre we are dedicated to the development, manufacture and sale of chemical specialties and additives.

Our commitment is to satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers, collaborators and investors, as well as to comply with the applicable requirements.


Value proposition

Corporación Sierra Madre wants the total satisfaction of its customers that’s why we offer quality products and services. We have extensive experience in the market, both nationally and internationally, exporting to companies in the United States and Central and South America.

¿Why CSM?

Meeting customer needs and expectations